Accreditation of Organisation for Information Security based on ISO/IEC 27001 standard
Why Accreditation in Information Security
CSA Council awards formal recognition on Information Security Competencies of the organisation leading to Accreditation instead of written assurance by a third party on the conformity of a service called certification. The Council addresses the guidelines for each component dealt in ISO/IEC 27001 to assess and ensure quality competencies complimenting applied security measures deployed in an organisation.
Organisations are continuously at risk as of online presence exposed to the public network Internet. Sensitive data is one of an organisation’s most important assets, so it makes sense that you prioritise its security. Information security is “the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction” of sensitive records.
This practice performs four important roles:
-- It protects the organisation’s ability to function.
-- It enables the safe operation of applications implemented on the organisation’s IT systems.
-- It protects the data the organisation collects and uses.
-- It safeguards the technology the organisation uses.
Accreditation with CSA Council in Information Security Management;
- Validates institutional quality
- Encourages institutional self-improvement
- Builds confidence among the stake-holders
- Prioritises data security
- Prevents against unauthorized access,
- Prevents against cyber attacks